[Lazarus] Is Lazarus project in a downward spiral?

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Mon Mar 8 13:31:54 CET 2010

Vincent Snijders het geskryf:
> Do you have this git repo in a public place?

Unfortunately no, I only push the SVN mirror to GitHub, and the release Tags.

> The sweet spot revision is what people are looking for at pages like:
> http://wiki.lazarus.freepascal.org/Tested_Unstable_Revisions

I can push the sweet spot tags to GitHub. Only problem with this is that we
only use the IDE, and not the rest of LCL. So we only test and note issues
in the IDE and components used in the IDE. So saying that a revision works
for us, might be a false positive to somebody else that builds applications
based on LCL components (as we only tested the IDE).

If you want me to push the sweet spot tags anyway, I don't mind doing that.

> And information about what are good fixes is valuable to other people who want to 
> maintain a fixes branch efficiently (with as little time as possible).

Again, the fixes we apply will only be for the IDE part of the Lazarus
project (whatever makes the IDE work for us), but I guess I can push those
to a new branch on GitHub too if you want.

  - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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