[Lazarus] This project needs help

Horacio Jamilis hjamilis at pymesoft.com.ar
Tue Mar 9 08:15:36 CET 2010


I am following this discussion, and  many others, without intervention, 
but I hope, your are not serious about getting away from freepascal and 
I am personally with you in most of your personal choices.
I think, as you (I hope) that completing (mostly) the LCL-FPGUI 
interfase will give to lazarus (the IDE and the component set, and then 
the developed applications) the stability and flexibility that you, and 
I want.
I my self tried more than once to help in this interface, but I don´t 
have the skills to do it :-[ .
I know you helped or are helping in other areas that will help 
freepascal and lazarus to be a much better product (eg: duby, your help 
system based on INF,  your installation generator, etc)

You really like to promotion the products you like (eg git... but there 
are more), but personally I like the way you acted creating a git 
repository to fullfill your needs (and probably others that like it)...
But it seems you are trying to convince others (including core) that the 
way you like things is the way to go... but in this open source project, 
there is place for everybody.
I think that you should not try to convince anyone about anything. Just 
write what you want as part of a brainstorm.

As I, there must be a lot of people trying freepascal and lazarus, 
waiting the point where it has all them need to move in, and it will be 
a shame that someone like you, that clearly want the best for the 
project, and contributed a lot (on your way), moves out.

So, I really expect you to stay around.


To the core: some times you are very closed, and may be, sometimes, you 
should hear a little more at least to the people that is with no doubt 
committed with the project.
I don´t expect you to do anything more than what you are already doing, 
and your are doing grait (freepascal and lazarus are grait), only be a 
little more diplomatic in your answers.

El 09/03/2010 3:47, Graeme Geldenhuys escribió:
> Hi Everybody,
> After enduring more sh*t than I can handle, the rude comments from core
> team in the public mailing list, the rude private emails from core team,
> the seriously bad attitude, the inability to handle criticism etc... I
> think it is time I call it a day and move one. It wasn't fun, and I have
> better things to do with my time than try and help a project that doesn't
> want help.
> All the best with your Lazarus project. I sure hope you guys (core team)
> can get your act together and drop your god complex by the door. You guys
> might end up being the only people that use Lazarus!
> Graeme signing out for good!

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