[Lazarus] Is Lazarus project in a downward spiral?

Marco van de Voort marcov at stack.nl
Tue Mar 9 12:08:29 CET 2010

On Tue, Mar 09, 2010 at 03:22:14AM -0700, Tom Lisjac wrote:
> > didn't change anything regarding contributors. So this argument is
> > simply nonsense.
> When the 1.0 compiler came out, Delphi was cheap, worked well and
> dominated the market. 

When 1.0 came out, there was no Kylix, and the dotcom and Linux booms were

> It's a totally different landscape now, Florian... and it's completely
> flawed to compare the lack of motivation for volunteers with the 1.0
> compiler to the current situation with Lazarus.

It's not. It has been the same ever since. Always the next visible milestone
is supposed to bring in the hordes, if we just....
Personally I like the "packages" subject the most. This subject has been
beaten to death over the last few years. Lazarus could never become
somethign without it, commercial components wouldn't be possible, plugin
architectures a mess etc.

To get everything rolling, I just kept tabs on it (like I did on e.g. the
COM windows unit), and wrote a small doc how packages work ("packages" in the

The number of contributions, or even remarks or additions on how packages
work is exactly... zero, in over 5 years.

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