[Lazarus] Instructions for git-svn link for Lazarus repository
Juha Manninen
juha.manninen at phnet.fi
Wed Mar 10 00:15:48 CET 2010
Antônio escreveu:
> Chances are that this code works.
> procedure TForm1.Edit1Change(Sender: TObject);
> var
> s :string;
> p :integer;
> begin
> s := edit1.text;
> while utf8pos('ã', s) > 0 do
> begin
> p := utf8pos('ã', s);
> utf8delete(s, p, utf8length('ã'));
> utf8insert('a', s, p);
> end;
> edit1.selstart := 100;
> edit1.text := s;
> end;
Friend, thanks for the dedication in helping me :)
Your function works for these characters that you presented. And thank
you again for your efforts to find a solution. At the moment I gave up
of the On(UTF8) KeyPress, I will use OnChange.
I was avoiding OnChange that it becomes slow with more than 500
characters, but I found a way to solve with the help of you. See a full
example with the solution here:
<http://www.silvioprog.com.br/downloads> File: "WithoutAccent-pt_BR.zip".
In my country we have many problems with accented characters in Lazarus,
I to do an article (in my language) showing how to reduce the gaps
especially in DB, and publish here:
Thanks to everyone who contributed in this question ;D
Silvio Clécio
programmer ObjectPascal - Blog: http://blog.silvioprog.com.br
programmer ObjectPascal - Site: http://www.silvioprog.com.br
programmer ObjectPascal - Twitter: http://twitter.com/silvioprog
grupo Lazarus-BR no Google - http://groups.google.com/group/lazarus-br/
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