[Lazarus] Free Pascal ? (I Hope its not too OT)

Terry A. Haimann terry at HaimannOnline.com
Sun Mar 14 14:16:52 CET 2010

This may seem like a stupid question, but is there an easy way to do 
this?  Since these directories that all of these include files reside in 
arn't in my path statement and they arn't all in the same directory.

Aleksa Todorovic wrote:
> Try including SysUtils in FreePascal version - it initializes
> exception handling, so maybe there are some exceptions internally
> happening which are not properly handled. Just a guess...
> On Sun, Mar 14, 2010 at 04:04, Terry A. Haimann <terry at haimannonline.com> wrote:
>> I tried to write a little utility to submit a command to the At Facility.
>> The code to do this is as follows:
>>  StdStrLst   := TStringlist.Create;
>>  ErrorStrLst := TStringlist.Create;
>>  MyProcess := TProcess.Create(nil);
>>  MyProcess.CommandLine := 'at now';
>>  MyProcess.Options := MyProcess.Options + [poUsePipes];
>>  MyProcess.Execute;
>>  StdStrLst.Clear;
>>  StdStrLst.Add('awk -F":" ''{print $1"\t"$3"\t"$4}'' /etc/passwd | sort');
>>  StdStrLst.SaveToStream(MyProcess.Input);
>>  StdStrLst.Clear;
>>  StdStrLst.Add(chr(4));
>>  StdStrLst.SaveToStream(MyProcess.Input);
>> Running this code from a Lazarus test program works with out any problems.
>>  When running it from a Free Pascal (non gui,) the program seems to halt
>> after issuing the "MyProcess.Execute;"  The program seems to exit without
>> any errors, but I have put writeln's throughout the code and I don't see any
>> output after the above instruction.  It is probable that there is some
>> errors in the stdout, but I never see them and don't know how to access it
>> after the program exits.
>> The Uses clause for the two apps are as follows.
>> Lazarus:
>>   uses Classes, SysUtils, FileUtil, LResources, Forms, Controls, Graphics,
>> Dialogs,
>>  StdCtrls, Process;
>> Free Pascal:
>>   Uses Classes, Process;
>> Anyone have any ideas?
>> --
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