[Lazarus] svn r23973 unable to open old projects

Paul Ishenin webpirat at mail.ru
Tue Mar 16 15:49:32 CET 2010

16.03.2010 15:47, Kjow wrote:
> cd C:\Develop\Lazarus
> svn up
> make clean bigide OPT="-dOldAutoSize"
> strip --strip-all lazarus.exe
> strip --strip-all lazbuild.exe
> strip --strip-all startlazarus.exe
> pause
> exit
I would recommend to do:

make bigideclean bigide OPT="-dOldAutoSize -Xs"

1. is to use bigideclean instead of clean
2. to use -Xs instead of strip

Best regards,
Paul Ishenin.

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