[Lazarus] helphtml example

Andrea Mauri andrea.mauri.75 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 18 11:57:14 CET 2010

Il 16/03/2010 20.38, Mattias Gaertner ha scritto:
> It uses the function FindDefaultBrowser in unit lcl/lclintf.pas.

I checked FindDefaultBrowserFunction.
I have this problem on win32 (xp).

function FindDefaultBrowser(out ABrowser, AParams: String): Boolean;

   function Find(const ShortFilename: String; out ABrowser: String): 
Boolean; inline;
     ABrowser := SearchFileInPath(ShortFilename + GetExeExt, '',
                       GetEnvironmentVariableUTF8('PATH'), PathSeparator,
     Result := ABrowser <> '';

   {$IFDEF MSWindows}
   Find('rundll32', ABrowser);               <-- this function does not 
find the browser

The find function looks in PATH, on my pc I have rundll32.exe in 
windows\system32 but PATH environment variable does not include 
c:\windows\system32, so find function does not find rundll32

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