[Lazarus] Newcomers with Debian based systems
waldo kitty
wkitty42 at windstream.net
Thu Mar 18 17:58:46 CET 2010
On 3/18/2010 08:04, Hans-Peter Diettrich wrote:
> Another problem: how can a user rebuild Lazarus, when it has been
> installed into /usr where the user has not enough rights.
if this has been done, then it indicates that root installed Laz/FPC... that
means that root has to do the rebuild, not the user(s)...
if they need to be able to rebuild Laz/FPC, they need to install it into their
home directory for the necessary rights to be active...
yes, i see what you are saying, though... the packages are configured to install
to a central location for all to use and that means that they cannot to the
rebuild... but they should not have to do any rebuild since the package should
be stable... plus they are fully loaded with all the goodies and debug
capabilities... this should them the ability to test and work with Laz/FPC...
/if/ they later reach a point where they need to be able to rebuild Laz/FPC or
be able to compile for other platforms and such, _then_ they would install from
the sources/SVN to their *home* directory and wade on into the really deep end
of the pool... IIUC, they would only need to edit a couple of Laz/FPC specific
files to change some directory entries to point at the new installation location
in their home directory but that shouldn't be hard to do...
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