[Lazarus] Lazarus and windows messages - how to hook into them ?

Justin Smyth delphian at smythconsulting.net
Sun Mar 21 03:12:29 CET 2010

Hi guys

got a issue where i need to be able to hook into the windows message que so i can trap messages like WM_GRAPHCHANGED etc as i have ported a media player writen around directshow in delphi over to lazarus 64 bit , i would normally use something like Allocatehwnd(procname) to do this bit i can see that for AllocateHWND & DeallocHWND have stubs and are not supported.

I have tried the CreateWindowEX and it doesnt work i get an exception when i try to use it  ( this has a callback function to pass messages to your procedure...)

any one got a simple idea how to get this working 

I have noticed that on interfaces for win32 the widget seems to have it there but i cant call it from my unit.

Justin Smyth
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