[Lazarus] anyone with QT, who could test something, please (notebook tab; name change while not visible)

Martin lazarus at mfriebe.de
Thu Mar 25 16:56:46 CET 2010

On Wednesday 24 March 2010 23:42, Michael Fuchs wrote:
> zeljko:
> > so if user types text it'll call OnChange() for each char like in TEdit ?
> Yes.
> > hm...I don't like it.
> Why not?

1. It breaks delphi compatibility
2. It breaks current apps which rely on combo OnChange() like dmitry stated 
MyCombo.Text := 'blah'; 
So if such combo have OnChange() assigned it'll fire twice.
Problem is not in small apps, but apps with hundreds of forms and hundreds of 
combos are real PITA.

In your case I'll prefer to add new event OnComboTextChange instead of firing 
text changes in OnChange().


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