[Lazarus] A question about files managing

Andrew Brunner andrew.t.brunner at gmail.com
Fri Mar 26 14:58:03 CET 2010

I always use copyfile and check the error and then delete the file if
needed.  This ensures that the file was actually copied.  It's just
better that way :-)

Glad to be of help.  Enjoy!

2010/3/26 Héctor Fiandor Rosario <hfiandor at infomed.sld.cu>:
> Dear friends:
> thanks for the received answers. I have copied all the instructions.
> I have prepared and small application and used the CopyFile option on a text
> file and it pretty works .
> Thanks very much.
> yours,
> Ing. Héctor F. Fiandor
> hfiandor at infomed.sld.cu
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