[Lazarus] spinedit on linux

Paul Ishenin webpirat at mail.ru
Wed May 5 16:10:44 CEST 2010

05.05.2010 22:07, Andrea Mauri wrote:
> Why is it ok? Ok that each system can have differences but for example 
> the comboboxes in the object inspector of lazarus has (both on win and 
> linux) the crArrow on the arrow and crIBeam on the edit of the combo.
> I think that tspinedit should have the same appearance/behaviour both 
> on win and linux.
Try to compare with any default gtk2 application. If there spinedit 
behave the same as in lazarus then it is ok - this is system behavior in 
other case this is a bug which needs to be fixed.

Best regards,
Paul Ishenin.

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