[Lazarus] Revision 25204 fails to build

tim launchbury tim at tlaunchbury.ukfsn.org
Fri May 7 09:34:15 CEST 2010

2010/5/6 Flávio Etrusco:
>> FPC compiled fine,
> Doesn't mean it'll work fine ;-)
> The "internal error" kinds of prove it.

I obviously tested that by compiling fpGUI library, fpGUI UI Designer
etc.. They compiled just fine and the apps worked. It's just Lazarus
IDE that didn't want to compile.

> Hope your action to rebuild fpc will fix it :-)

Rebuilding FPC made no difference. I then reverted Lazarus to a
revision dated 1 May 2010, and that compiled correctly and runs. No
idea what happened or changed in the last 6 days of commits. :-/

  - Graeme -

fpGUI - a cross-platform Free Pascal GUI toolkit

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