[Lazarus] Lazarus make me create better apps

Razvan Adrian Bogdan lightningflash at gmail.com
Fri May 7 13:00:21 CEST 2010

2010/5/6 Михайло Падалка <misha-cn-ua at ya.ru>

> That's all sound good, and shows that fpGUI is capable to create some real
> apps.
> But for me the main missing feature of it is a lack of native look&feel. I
> want
> all applications look the same, giving me a feeling of a complete system on
> my PC.
> Yes, I know that fpGUI supports themes. But if I set, for example, some GTK
> theme
> with Murrine engine, with animated progress bars - fpGUI will not look the
> same,
> and that's really bad for me.
> All my projects are targeted mostly to the home user, and this is the place
> where
> eyecandy goes first.

I don't see people complaining too much about Firefox, Chrome(ium), Opera,
Thunderbird, etc. even MsOffice has a different theme from the OS. Windows
support for themes is quite good and you can use it in any framework, i
assume on Linux you have also good support, i don't know about OSX but i
would be surprised if you couldn't reproduce the exact same interface. Java
sucks at this and people still use it.

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