[Lazarus] Paw Icons were moved?

Andrew Brunner andrew.t.brunner at gmail.com
Fri May 7 15:14:35 CEST 2010

Thanks for getting back to me about this Mattias.

I was referring to *.png and *.ico files.  *.icns don't help me any.
I'm sure I'm not alone in the thought of manual installation and
manually creating links and associating icons.  So under Ubuntu I need
Paw Prints *.png.  They were there before but they seem to be merged
in these *.icns file which is not a standard format and is most likely
a Lazarus resource file -  which is unrecognized by any operating

Is there anyone who can re-add them as PNG files to SVN so I can get
the desired effect?  Thanks again.

2010/5/7 Mattias Gärtner <nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de>:
> Zitat von Andrew Brunner <andrew.t.brunner at gmail.com>:
>> I don't recall... exactly who did those really cool paw icons for
>> Lazarus but every time I install Lazarus I create a link. I need to
>> specify the paw print icon or png.  Can someone please restore the
>> cool icons that Vincent (if memory serves me correctly) did.  They
>> were totally awesome.  I'm kinda expecting them in the /trunk/images/
>> folder like they were before...
>> If they were moved.. to where where they moved / where can I find them ?
> In images/icons.
> Mattias
> --
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