[Lazarus] lowest libgtk2 supported version

David W Noon david.w.noon at ntlworld.com
Sat May 8 18:33:48 CEST 2010

On Sat, 8 May 2010 18:44:28 +0300, ik wrote about [Lazarus] lowest
libgtk2 supported version:

> I've made some research, and it seems that oldstable of debian, uses
> libgtk2.8, and the following stable version using libgtk2.12 and soon
> there should be a newer debian version as far as I understand.

Those are museum pieces!

> Lazarus at the moment support libgtk 2.6 as far as I can see, how
> does the decision making of the default libgtk support is been made,
> and when does it been upgraded to a newer version ?

I'm using Gtk+ 2.18.6 and Lazarus works just fine, bugs notwithstanding.

Dave  [RLU #314465]
david.w.noon at ntlworld.com (David W Noon)

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