[Lazarus] lazarus windows and qt

Martin lazarus at mfriebe.de
Tue May 11 19:09:24 CEST 2010

On 11/05/2010 17:48, zeljko wrote:
> On Tuesday 11 May 2010 18:15, Martin wrote:
>> On 11/05/2010 17:11, zeljko wrote:
>>> On Tuesday 11 May 2010 18:02, Henry Vermaak wrote:
>>>> On 11 May 2010 16:51, Martin<lazarus at mfriebe.de>   wrote:
>>>>> I finally convinced myself to try installing QT, despite the massive
>>>>> size, and the huge amount of files that seem mre than just a runtime
>>>>> (designer.exe surely is not needed to run lazarus?)
>>>>> So I got qt 4-6-2 installed from qt-win-opensource-4.6.2-vs2008
>>> this is wrong ->   qt-win-opensource-4.6.2-vs2008
>>> This is correct one:
>>> http://get.qt.nokia.com/qt/source/qt-win-opensource-4.6.2-mingw.exe
>> That was what I did fear the answer would be.....
>> How does a none tech person use QT on Windows, then =>  because the above
>> installation asks you where youre mingw installation is =>  So in order
>> to use QT, you must first install mingw by hand too.....
> no, it's included in package.
Not here, that was what made me wonder (it definetly has the size, as if 
it would include them)
My whole story  (or most parts of it)

I downloded the qt-win-opensource-4.6.2-mingw.exe
=> it ask me where my mingw is, because it needs gcc => it refuses to 
install without

So I try the other one, and it installs, but lazarus doesn't start

Now I have f9inally submitted to do, what I wanted to avoid:
- I installed the whole qt IDE
=> deleted 99% of what it installed
=> cleaned the mess from my start-menu
=> and it works

Well actually, it almost worked:
=> I got a range check error, because by default I build my lazarus 
whith range checks, and other checks.

So I needed to recompile again, without range-checks and now it works

And all, only so I can test occasionally that my changes to synedit, 
work on other platforms too....

  and for some reason, all the stacktrace I can get is:
[FORMS.PP] ExceptionOccurred
   Exception=Range check error
   Stack trace:
   $005F6691 line 13869 of qt45.pas
and lots of addresses without any line info

>> yes there is the QT-IDE-full-development environment, which supposedly
>> contains all of it =>  but a none tech (or none developer) would not need
>> to install a full IDE, just to use an app that needs QT?
>> So (putting aside that I want to use Lazarus, and I am a developer), If
>> I wasn't ... =>  it would be trouble to use anything that is based on
>> QT... =>  that can't possible be.
>> so where is the point I am missing?
> there's no missed point. Qt is missing dll only packages :)
> So we can ask nokia to allow us to pack dll pack, then there will not be
> problem.
Great, I am not the only one...

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