[Lazarus] Lazarus make me create better apps

Marco van de Voort marcov at stack.nl
Fri May 14 00:11:44 CEST 2010

On Fri, May 07, 2010 at 04:29:33AM -0700, Razvan Adrian Bogdan wrote:
> Web programming in Lazarus/Delphi can be done in 3 ways:
> - Non persistent safe CGI, you have to do persistence yourself, this is ok,
> requires some work but is no the fastest way of doing things, you do get a
> free garbage collector <hint>Implement something like smart pointers in C++
> using operator overloading ?</hint>, interfaces are too much overhead.
> - Persistent building a module/plugin (not safe), or using FastCGI, SCGI or
> a small HTTP server behind a bigger one, i would probably try the HTTP
> backend (proxy) server behind the real server because FastCGI has poor
> support (very old apache module) and SCGI doesn't seem too well known.
> - The full thing with whatever backend, everything managed by Lazarus just
> like a desktop app something like Morfik/Intraweb, this is probably the
> least efficient way of doing web stuff but it would be ok if you only input
> data and output reports without the need to customize anything, people seem
> to complain about ASP.NET for being too difficult to learn and customize.

In a past job I've developed a https server using indy thttpserver. Worked

The app was in Delphi, (this is pre-2.0.0 partially) but I later ran several
of the unittests with FPC and they worked fine, and I have no doubt were I
still there, the whole app would work fine too. (*)

(*) better even, since the MSXML related XML classes gave me quite a headache

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