[Lazarus] Suggestion: Remove GTK1 support from IDE and LCL.

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Sat May 15 15:44:09 CEST 2010

On 15/05/2010, Vincent Snijders wrote:
>  Ah, you just want to make your fpGUI more advantageous by crippling the
> deployability of the LCL gtk2. For a moment I really thought you at least
> wanted to help LCL with your good ideas ...

No, fpGUI simply doesn't have the limitations of LCL because
everything is implemented by fpGUI itself - no large framework
dependencies. Easy deployment was one of the main reasons fpGUI was
started. If you want a missing feature in fpGUI, implement it. Now
compile that version of fpGUI on a 8-10 year old distro or simply run
the latest executable on a old distro, and you still have that new
feature available. No external framework dependencies means lesser

And yes, I would like to see LCL improve in stability - more so than
new LCL features. Why? Because better stability will directly improve
the stability of the IDE. Not to forget that competition is healthy
for software growth and I have no intention in crippling LCL in any
ways - direct or indirect.

Some parts of LCL is simply a mess - hence the many, many bugs reports
and regression bugs. Simple proof. To help LCL improve in stability,
it needs to rely on the stability of the underlying frameworks it
depends on (just one part of a big problem). That means newer versions
of GTK2 or Qt. And for LCL to grow in features (though again limited
due to what is available on all other libraries LCL depends on), it
again needs to use the newer versions of the frameworks.

It's a rather simple concept - and no hidden agenda or malicious intend implied.

  - Graeme -

fpGUI - a cross-platform Free Pascal GUI toolkit

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