[Lazarus] [FPC] Install from sources
Mattias Gaertner
nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de
Sun May 16 14:48:49 CEST 2010
Can anyone confirm this?
On win9x I have a problem with ClipBoard.GetAsText.
Take a look at this example code:
ClipText := ClipBoard.AsText;
debugln('ClipText = "',ClipText,'"');
debugln('Length = ',DbgS(Length(ClipText)));
for i := 1 to length(ClipText) do DbgOut('#',DbgS(Ord(ClipText[i])));
Now when I copy (from Windows Notepad) 'ABC' to the clipboard and run
the above code, the output is
ClipText = "ABC "
Length = 31
The first #0 after 'C' (#67) is consistent, the rest may be garbage.
I traced this down to (in /lcl/interfaces/win32/win32winapi.inc)
function ReadClipboardToStream(DestStream: TStream): Boolean;
Result := false;
DataHandle := Windows.GetClipboardData(FormatID);
if DataHandle<>HWND(0) then
Size := Windows.GlobalSize(DataHandle); // <<-------------------- **
** Size will always be n times 32 (on win32)
In ClipBoard.GetAsText there is code to remove the last trailing #0
(if there is one), but as the example shows, this is not enough.
Moreover, the last char in the buffer might not even be a #0 and
nothing gets removed.
Can anyone confirm this?
Is it Windows (win32) only?
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