[Lazarus] Where do I set the path to my project main directory and how to configure Code Browser?

Peter E Williams foss.game.pascal.developer at iinet.net.au
Mon May 17 03:50:13 CEST 2010

Hi Joost and All,

On Sat, 2010-05-15 at 13:13 +0200, Joost van der Sluis wrote:
> On Tue, 2010-05-11 at 12:30 +1000, Peter E Williams wrote:
> > I am converting some old lazarus code to latest stable lazarus my code
> > ported from Delphi 7 Enterprise for Cross Platform development.
> I think no-one answered your post because it's a: too long and b: a
> puzzle, not a question.
> cr
Not really. Back in the days when I used Delphi 5 Enterprise and 7
Enterprise I would do the following:

I would create a shortcut on the desktop of my Window XP Home
development pc and in the shortcut i would set the default path for the
application (delphi.exe) to be C:\delphi_source which is the folder
where I have all the subfolders for my Delphi components and components
as well as lots of freeware and demo code.

This folder has about 300 or more folders... e.g. project names or
YEAR_MONTH (2005_05 for May 2005) with more subfolders.

As this is so big and difficult to manage I wanted to trial Code Browser
which came free on a Linux magazine dvd a few months ago.

> Most people here want to help others, they are not here to solve
> puzzles.
> > Also I have Code Browser for Linux installed with default configuration.
> > I have *not* opened it (very busy) and i am a newbie user. Would
> > appreciate url to short graphical intro tutorials about setting project
> > paths and setting a good code editor (any recommendations?)


It is for Windows and Linux

> If you haven't even opened it because you are very busy. Do you expect
> us to do it for you?!? And what do you expect us to do? What is 'Code
> browser for linux'?  And what is it's project path?

Actually, FYI, and I am not looking for sympathy but just to explain...
Over the past 4 weeks both my desktop and laptop have Linux OS (Ubuntu
and Fedora) being reinstalled and updated. Also I have changed ISP from
bigpond (who are hopeless) to iinet business plan who give great tech
support. I was reconfiguring my modem and I had to reinstall Linux
numerous times. Without internet at home for about 2 weeks so no

Hence I still need to reinstall Code-Browser before I can use it. That's
why I haven't started it. (I was mistaken that I had it installed tho'
the computer shop installed it for me b4 i lost it)

> In Lazarus the project path is the path of the project-file. You can't
> set that. (well, by moving the file to another place)
> Further, there is no question in your post. Was it to amuse us? What do
> you want from us?

Actually I too am trying to be helpful. I thought that CB could be a
useful tool. ;^)))
> Joost


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