[Lazarus] Lazarus make me create better apps

Lee Jenkins lee at datatrakpos.com
Tue May 18 17:17:49 CEST 2010

Myles Wakeham wrote:
> Bee wrote:
>  >What framework do you need to build web apps using pascal? Web apps is 
> just
>  > about read browser request and reply to it. A custom simple 
> communication
>  > class (to encapsulate the request-reply process) should be sufficient.
> Maybe for a web application with a small number of pages/options, sure. 
>  But not for larger scale business type web solutions.  Here's the 
> problem - there is a distinct distance between doing what is 'right' 
> (ie. developing in Laz/FPC for web apps) and doing what is 
> 'environmentally & economically compatible'.  I'm in the USA, and here 
> I live in hope that tools will improve to get us closer and am 
> monitoring this thread with great interest as I feel that the solutions 
> at this level will likely come out of open source if there are enough 
> devs like me out there dealing with these challenges in our 'real world'.
> Myles

Great points.

Warm Regards,


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