[Lazarus] Snapshots

Milipili milipili at shikami.org
Thu May 20 20:48:36 CEST 2010

On Thu, May 20, 2010 at 1:35 PM, Myles Wakeham <myles at techsol.org> wrote:
> (...)
> Now that isn't to say that you should abandon all hope of doing web
> application development in FPC.  Quite the contrary, but using languages
> like PHP in partnership with FPC seems, to me, to be the best fusion. FPC on
> the back-end, but working with PHP/HTML5 on the front-end.  High
> availability of developers in PHP, so you can handle turn-over easily. And
> generally shorter development cycles.
> Thoughts?

But PHP is back-end too.
I do not think a mix of languages is the best way. Theoretically, PHP
and FPC do the same things so, why I use 2 languages? Who connects to
the DBMS, e.g. ?

Maybe use a language for other thing, like configurations, layouts,
etc. A script language has advantages for that. I think Lua[1]
language is a great option.

[1] lua.org, keplerproject.org

Marcos Douglas

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