[Lazarus] WNCE 5 not Supported

Paul Breneman list2010 at BrenemanLabs.com
Fri May 21 15:21:27 CEST 2010


> Did you find that the 2.5.1 snapshoot after May 4th doesn't support WINCE5?
> It's quite strange. I tried serveral snapshoot after May 4th, the situations
> are same. The compiled program running under WinCE 5 will give you "not
> invalid program" error msg and exit,, but ok for WinCE6. I tried the 2.4.1
> latest snapshoot as well, no luck. I'm not sure it's a bug or WinCE5 not
> supported by Lazarus anymore. I hope anyone here can help me to figure it
> out. Thanks

I have posted a minimal FreePascal and fpGUI distribution for 
cross-compiling WinCE applications near the bottom of this page:

That distro contains the compiler and everything you need to easily 
compile and test a program on the WinCE.  You might give that a try and 
see if it works on your device.

Paul Breneman
www.dbReplication.com - VCL database replication components
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