[Lazarus] Fastest way to draw

Paul Breneman list2010 at BrenemanLabs.com
Sat May 22 18:17:40 CEST 2010

Hi Brad,


> Just the firmware. I'm using the Parallax PropScope. 25M samples/sec. 2 
> Channels of 10 bit and 4 bits of Logic input.
> http://www.parallax.com/Store/Microcontrollers/PropellerTools/tabid/143/ProductID/586/List/0/Default.aspx?SortField=ProductName,ProductName 


> This is a USB device with an FTDI converter built in. I've managed nice 
> comms at about 960k baud and I've implemented the comms in another 
> thread to get around polling and other issues. I can get the packets in 
> _far_ faster than I can draw them currently.
> I want to refresh the display 30-40 times a second to keep up with the 
> possible sweep rates, at the moment I can manage between 4 & 10 
> depending on the number of samples I'm taking per sweep. At 500 
> samples/sweep at the moment I'm sampling over 3 times faster than I can 
> draw. At 6000 samples / sweep I can draw a the same rate I sample (~4Hz).
> When I get the drawing code fast enough I'll post a solution. I've just 
> ordered a nice slow PPC Mac to experiment with, which should make it 
> much easier to benchmark drawing speed.

This sounds like a very neat project.  I hope we can keep in touch as 
what you are doing may tie into this educational project that I'd also 
like to tie into the Parallax educational offerings:

Paul Breneman
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