[Lazarus] IDE layouts

Hans-Peter Diettrich DrDiettrich1 at aol.com
Sun May 23 19:52:28 CEST 2010

Vannus schrieb:

> layout should have single, dual, etc modes.
> if i use my laptop, all windows are on that monitor.
> if i plug monitor into my laptop, and move source editor onto this then 
> lazarus should save this as dual mode of the layout.
> every time i use laptop without extra screen it uses single mode, every 
> time i plug in monitor it uses dual mode.

Please provide the algorithm to select the file to use, taking into 
account non-existing files.

Say you change your dual layout, then the single layout is not normally 
updated. You also have to provide how to find the files that should be 
updated as well, and code to perform the update.

>     Also, who specifies which coordinates should be absolute, and which
>     should be relative? Do you want to write and use such an editor?
>     Whenever a layout is to be saved?
> an editor in lazarus windows menu where you can select left, top, width, 
> height, and possibly even anchors editor.

Write that editor, and guarantee that it will not make the files 
unusable by accident.

> you would rarely need to use the editor - windows should 'just remember' 
> their relative left, top, width, height positions.

That's why the current screen layout can be saved, nothing more. No 
editing or other processing of the layout files, that has to be done on 

>     Question is not *where* the layouts are, instead *what* the layouts are
>     for, i.e. *which* of these files to use.

> not just use the same as windows/unix PATH's? how did delphi do it?

It's not a mather of paths, it's a matter of file names.


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