[Lazarus] clarification / Re: constant-highlight ? [Re: quick opinion poll / pascal highlighting "case"]

Martin lazarus at mfriebe.de
Mon May 24 18:09:31 CEST 2010

On 24/05/2010 16:52, Jürgen Hestermann wrote:
>> Which one / What is highlighting same as constant?
>> const Foo = 1; // Foo is not highlighted:
> Then if Foo is a constand in a case statement it should be treated the 
> same and not highlighted.
>> literal constant:  'a' => blue by default
> If constants in the case statement are characters then they should 
> also be blue by default.
>> 123 => dark(er) blue (navy) by default
> Yes, if the case constant is a number then it should also be in this 
> color.

This was already and always the case. any identifier, char, number 
is/was highlighted the same never mind if it is in a case label, an 
assignment, an expression .....

The question was, if a case label (any case-label, never mind it being a 
number, char, string, ident) should have any additional highlights.
So case labels will stand out from other source?

The idea is that they are kind of a "section header" introducing a block 
of code, that is bound to a condition.

In other conditions, you have the "if then" being bold, and the actual 
expression local to the highlighted conditon marker (if then)

In case of a "case" the label can be far away from the highlight of the 
"case of" => it does not stand out, and can be overlooked.
- in small case blocks, it is easily seen by the indentation rules (if 
they are there, lets hope for it)
- in big case blocks, there may be many levels of indent outside, and 
inside the case. It is near impossible to tell if anything is exactly on 
the case-level of indent (especially if the case itself is scrolled of 
the visible screen).


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