[Lazarus] "unexpected feature" of TPaintBox
Mattias Gaertner
nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de
Thu May 27 12:45:58 CEST 2010
On Thu, 27 May 2010 12:30:44 +0200 (CEST)
Engelbert Buxbaum <engelbert_buxbaum at web.de> wrote:
> Hi,
> the code below is part of a program to draw the Mandelbrot-set. It works, if the canvas is small (stamp-size). However, if the size is increased to 800x800, the middle 1/3 of the image is replaced by a vertical grey bar. Any ideas?
What is PB_Drawing?
If it is a TImage you have to resize it yourself. The Picture is not
resized automatically.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> procedure TForm_MandelbrotSet.B_DrawClick(Sender: TObject);
> var dp, dq : real;
> np, nq : word;
> procedure Iterate (np, nq : word);
> var p, q, x, y, x_old : real;
> k : word;
> begin
> p := P_min + np * dp;
> q := Q_min + nq * dq;
> k := 0;
> x := 0;
> y := 0;
> repeat
> x_old := x;
> x := x*x - y*y + p;
> y := 2 * x_old * y + q;
> inc(k);
> until (x*x + y*y > r_max) or (k = k_max);
> if k = k_max then k := 0;
> PB_Drawing.Canvas.Pixels[np, PB_Drawing.Height-nq] := k;
> end;
> begin
> dp := (P_max - P_min) / PB_Drawing.Width;
> dq := (Q_max - Q_min) / PB_Drawing.Height;
> for np := 1 to PB_Drawing.Width do
> for nq := 1 to PB_Drawing.Height do
> Iterate(np, nq);
> end;
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