[Lazarus] clarification / Re: constant-highlight ? [Re: quick opinion poll / pascal highlighting "case"]
waldo kitty
wkitty42 at windstream.net
Thu May 27 22:32:08 CEST 2010
On 5/27/2010 15:29, Reimar Grabowski wrote:
> On Thu, 27 May 2010 13:53:17 +0100
> Martin<lazarus at mfriebe.de> wrote:
>> IMHO the exact style ot intend is mostly a
>> matter of taste. Wahtever you grew up with (or are used too), seems most
>> readable.
> +1
> procedure quicksort;
> procedure sort(l,r: index);
> var i,j: index; x,w: item;
is something missing? what are the "index" and "item" types?
> begin i := l; j := r;
> x := a[(l+r) div 2];
> repeat
> while a[1].key< x.key do i := i+1;
> while x.key< a[j].key do j := j-1;
> if i<= j then
> begin w := a[i]; a[i] := a[j]; a[j] := w;
> i := i+1; j := j-1
> end;
> until i> j;
> if l< j then sort(l,j);
> if i< r then sort(i,r)
> end;
> begin sort(1,n)
> end;
> Dr. Dr. h. c. Niklaus Wirth
> Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen
> 2. Edition
> Stuttgart 1979
> page 117
> R.
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