[Lazarus] clarification / Re: constant-highlight ? [Re: quick opinion poll / pascal highlighting "case"]

Peter E Williams foss.game.pascal.developer at iinet.net.au
Thu May 27 23:48:43 CEST 2010

Hi Vannus & Waldo,

On Thu, 2010-05-27 at 14:40 +0200,
lazarus-request at lists.lazarus.freepascal.org wrote:
Message: 9
Date: Thu, 27 May 2010 21:27:18 +0100
From: Vannus <vannus at gmail.com>
Subject: On 27 May 2010 20:25, waldo kitty <wkitty42 at windstream.net>

> On 5/26/2010 14:26, Vannus wrote:
>> IMO thats redundant lines + more scrolling to read the code.
>> if x then begin
>>   code
>> end else begin
>>   if y then begin
>>     code
>>   end else begin
>>     code
>>   end;
>> end;
> the above format hurts my eyes... i cannot see else, for one thing,
> cannot separate out the individual code blocks... it is really bad
when it
> spans 50 lines or more... especially when it covers several pages...
at that
> point, you loose the rest of it...

Vannus> im looking for indents, your looking for begin/ends. i think
this is where
Vannus> 'what your used to' comes in.. we both use what suits us.
Vannus> when 'code' makes the 'if' big, then i put the 'code's into
their own
Vannus> procedures/functions. keeps things neat & orderly. imho what the
'if' is
Vannus> doing is seperate from what the 'code' is doing.

Vannus> taking the AI perpective:-
Vannus> 'if' - making decision.
Vannus> 'code' - acting on decision.

Vannus> this lets you debug/maintain the decisions making from the
acting on
Vannus> decisions easily, and lets others pick up whats going on

Please take a look here:


it is a discussion of the classic programming problem of the Dangling
Else which we learnt about at the Uni of Canberra in 1990.

>  involves less scrolling when its big, or when using smaller screen.

I am using a 15.5" monitor on this pc. Currently Ubuntu 9 without
Lazarus installed. Ubuntu 10.04 LTS does have Lazarus installed. Have
not been able to install security fixes for either Ubuntu for a
week :-(((


Vannus> i find scrolling up & down constantly to make sure what i've
done isn't
Vannus> going to adversely affect the other code (proof-read the code)
is an
Vannus> unnecessary inconvenience.

>  where the semicolons should go is clear
>> every line is functional, no redundant lines
>> more like one-line if
> hehehe... more like a one line program :P ;)

Vannus> i can only aspire to such things 8D

I am wondering what are your views on programs such as Code Browser
(freeware cross platform)


Peter W
Hobart, Australia

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