[Lazarus] DBMaskEdit: A small contribuition for Lazarus project.

silvioprog silvioprog at gmail.com
Fri May 28 01:07:56 CEST 2010

Em 27-05-2010 17:49, Michael Van Canneyt escreveu:
> Ola :(
> I quoted from my Delphi knowledge; and indeed in FPC it is missing.
> (there is even a comment in dbedit.inc in the LCL :/)
> I will implement it in TField. Thank you for pointing this out !
> Michael.

Wow, this here will help:


If I update now my Lazarus from SVN, I'll have EditMask in TField?

Silvio Clecio
$ programmer ObjectPascal - <http://silvioprog.com.br>
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