[Lazarus] TAchart multiple reticules and vertical series alignment

Alexander Klenin klenin at gmail.com
Sun May 30 06:45:58 CEST 2010

On Sun, May 30, 2010 at 12:13, Rick <rick at sloservers.com> wrote:
> Alexander Klenin wrote:
> As I was browsing through the code last night, I was actually surprised that
> the reticule pen property
> was not already made public in TAChart.  I'll have the check out the
> LineDragTool--it sounds like it
> will work better for what I want to do anyway.  Rather than make so many
> heavy changes to the reticule,
> I wonder if it would be easier and more compatible to make a new tool like
> LineDrag that can be configured
> to snap to point and act like a reticule--or not.  Perhaps at some point
> later the reticule, with all its
> hard-coded properties and marriage to mouse movements, could be deprecated.

The important feature of the current reticule implementation is performance.
Users have reported charts with thousands of points, which require up
to a second
to redraw. I am afraid that redrawing on every mousemove might be unaccebtable
for such charts.

Alexander S. Klenin

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