[Lazarus] Request

Leonardo M. Ramé l.rame at griensu.com
Sun May 30 17:54:34 CEST 2010

The other day I was showing Lazarus to an friend (a Delphi fanatic) to
let him know how it was improved since the last time he looked at it, he
spend the whole afternoon working with it, and he was amazed. The only
thing he didn't like about it was this:

"When I place a control over a form or datamodule, the focus is
automatically changed to the editor window.".

I can't reproduce it in the last revision, but I remember I faced the
same issue in a Windows box (now I'm on linux).

Is this a configurable option?, a bug?.

Leonardo M. Ramé
Griensu S.A. - Medical IT Córdoba
Tel.: 0351-4247979

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