[Lazarus] easy cross-platform compiling??

Juha Manninen juha.manninen at phnet.fi
Mon May 31 14:01:22 CEST 2010

Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:
> There is definitely a demand for this. With Lazarus IDE this is a
> nightmare - just too many settings to fiddle with. MSEide is much
> better at this. With it's different build modes and user defined
> macro's it is rather easy to accomplish. fpGUI's IDE (not available to
> the public yet), this is also available in much the same way as
> MSEide. With one mouse click I can now build for Linux 32, or Linux
> 64, or Windows 32, or Windows ME.

How does it handle binutils? Do you need to prepare them before building, or 
does it somehow install them when needed?


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