[Lazarus] Using FPC parser/tokenizer for code formatting

Adem listmember at letterboxes.org
Mon May 31 16:58:25 CEST 2010

On 2010-05-31 16:00, Mattias Gärtner wrote:
> Zitat von Adem <listmember at letterboxes.org>:
>> [...]
>> How would *you* deal with macros?
> I would not use a complete parser.
> I would use a forgiving parser like the synedit highlighter or the 
> indentation parser of the codetools.
Why is this emphasis on the parser being '/forgiving/'?

Why wouldn't I want to know about the ugly truth that the code I just 
wrote will not compile?

Why should I have to wait till I compile the rubbish I produced to find 
out that it is indeed worthless?



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