[Lazarus] Compiling lazarus in a headless server

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Wed Nov 3 13:33:09 CET 2010

Op 2010-11-03 13:20, Michael Schnell het geskryf:
> So here are the options i found (decreasing viability)

As Michael said, the original poster simply wanted to compiler a GUI
project on a remote server. That is easy (scripts, lazbuild, SSH etc).
Running GUI apps on a remote headless linux server is possible too. Google
Fake X11 Server (I can't remember the exact name), but I used it for about
two years to run tiOPF's unit tests while cleaning up the core tiOPF code
until it was 100% GUI free.

> widget type). The user software can only run if a remote X server is 
> accessible. It needs to be started vis telnet or SSH

I have many times used SSH to connect to our remote 64-bit Linux server,
loaded my own GUI ide which displays on my system (not server), compile and
run the GUI app. Now I have my own 64-bit machine, so don't need to do this
any more. Running GUI apps remotely using Linux is simple:

   ssh -X user at server.domain.com

Then simply run the GUI app. Output will appear on your local desktop.

> A problem here is that there is no Widget set without a GUI binding that 
> allows for "normal" event driven Object.-Pascal programming with TTimers 
> and inter.-Thread-Messages.

Give me another month or two to complete the Linux FrameBuffer backend to
fpGUI, then this will be possible too. :)

>   F) do a command line tool that can be accessed via Telnet or SSH

For the original poster, this was enough to compile his application.

  - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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