[Lazarus] Custom draw menu

Paul Ishenin webpirat at mail.ru
Sun Nov 7 06:21:31 CET 2010

07.11.2010 5:32, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:
> On 5 November 2010 20:37, Paul Ishenin wrote:
>> These controls are not part of LCL.
> Well if core members of the Lazarus project starts suggesting to users
> that more custom components should be created, then I am afraid the
> "original design goal" of LCL is all but lost.
I don't like that Felipe has suggested that too. Instead of fixing the 
problem he suggested to invest someone time into a completely different 
task. This is how you usually do in this mail list with suggesting your 
fpGUI when someone finds a problem in LCL.

Best regards,
Paul Ishenin.

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