[Lazarus] Custom draw menu

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Sun Nov 7 17:03:49 CET 2010

On 7 November 2010 16:19, Sven Barth <pascaldragon at googlemail.com> wrote:
> text? Why do you think toolbars normally contain mostly icons instead of
> text?

Um, here is the default setup on my Gnome desktop. All toolbars have
icons PLUS text. Pretty pointless, and uses lots more space. I guess
Gnome HIG needs to decide what the want.... text or icons, but
definitely not both.

The attached screenshots shows Firefox (top), gEdit (middle) and
Nautilus (bottom).

  - Graeme -

fpGUI - a cross-platform Free Pascal GUI toolkit
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