[Lazarus] Control view style 3D?

José Mejuto joshyfun at gmail.com
Tue Nov 9 19:24:27 CET 2010

Hello Lazarus-List,

Tuesday, November 9, 2010, 6:59:17 PM, you wrote:

>>Which controls, which widgetset and which OS?
BB> Hmm, I thougt that the idea behind FPC/Lazarus was that you "write
BB> once compile everywhere" and then the question of OS becomes moot.

Each OS and widgetset combination will have different results.

BB> But your comment indicates to me that the "compile everywhere" is not
BB> working to create an application that looks the same everywhere...

One thing is compile everywhere and look native and other is compile
everywhere and keep same look and fill across platforms.

Lazarus widgetsets usually try to match the target operative system
look and feel so a GTK2 application in Linux will look very similar to
a GTK2 application in Windows, but different than a native Windows
application. To keep look and feel across platforms use fpGUI instead

BB> Or maybe it does but then one has to accept flat form faces in Java
BB> style?

What is flat for you ?

Best regards,

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