[Lazarus] Multiple FPC versions for Lazarus - LazarusRevision.PNG (0/1)
lazarus at mfriebe.de
Mon Nov 15 22:15:23 CET 2010
On 15/11/2010 20:36, Bo Berglund wrote:
> On Mon, 15 Nov 2010 16:18:29 +0100, Bo Berglund
> <bo.berglund at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> The process you did is the correct one, but it might be that
>>> can not be compiled by the 2.4.x series. I believe that I've read that
>>> you need at least for this...
>> OK, I bit the bullet and let SVN retrieve the trunk version...
> I used this command in a command window:
> svn co http://svn.freepascal.org/svn/lazarus/trunk lazarus
> But now I don't know which version of Lazarus this is...
it's currently called 0.9.29 would be here:
Anyway 0.9.29 is the latest version that exists. It gets updated several
times a day. (to follow that, just do "svn up" in the laz dir)
basically here is what the version actually says:
(Y is optional)
- if X is an even number and Y is present => then this is an official
release (in SVN you need to look for a tagged version)
0.9.26 / 0.9.28 are releases
- if X is an even number and Y is present and even => then this is a
fixes release for an official release was a fixes release
- if X is an even number and Y is present and odd => then this is a
fixes branch for an official release (in SVN you need to look for a
fixes branch)
This means one day from that code a fixes release will be made. In
the meantime it will be updated from time to time with selected fixes is the current fixes branch. But it is no longer updated, as
the next release will be 0.9.30 (and not
- if X is an odd number => then this is trunk.
Every-time someone adds something to Lazarus it goes immediately into
trunk (including new bugs...)
0.9.29 is trunk
> I am not used to SVN, so how can I find out? I tried making a graph
> with TortoiseCVS (see attached picture), but I can't interpret it.
> Whhat version is my checked out copy for example?
> And how do I find/get the version?
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