[Lazarus] CI ( Continuous Integration )

Vincent Snijders vincent.snijders at gmail.com
Sat Nov 20 12:27:01 CET 2010

2010/11/20 Dimitrios Chr. Ioannidis <dioannidis at artesoft.gr>:
> Hi all,
>  i realize that Lazarus is a "hobby" / volunteers project but is it possible
> to use some sort of   Continuous Integration
>  (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Continuous_integration ) ?
>  I used Bamboo for a while, 4 years ago, and it was definitelly an
> improvement for that projects team. At least it gaves us an early indication
> that the commits was making the poject unbuildable.

That is what the snapshots are used for. I admit is not optimal.


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