[Lazarus] What is a TSQLTransaction and why do I need one?

Alexsander Rosa alexsander.rosa at gmail.com
Fri Nov 26 18:32:47 CET 2010

I'm using it from SVN too.

2010/11/26 zeljko <zeljko at holobit.net>

> On Friday 26 November 2010 15:14, Alexsander Rosa wrote:
> > With DBExpress or Zeos this "problem" does no occur. They use the
> so-called
> Zeos ? This is simply NOT true, at least with Zeos 6.6.5.
> If you chosen correct tiTransactionIsolation (eg. tiReadCommited) then
> pgsql
> connections automatically opens transactions (so you have "idle in
> transaction") for nothing.I've already fixed that for myself, but that's "a
> real problem". sqldb have another problem because it opens another
> connection
> for query (so with 100 connections you can have 200 connections because
> each
> client started one query), so must think about it when setting up
> postgresql.conf (client connections param).
> zeljko
> --
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Alexsander da Rosa
Linux User #113925

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