[Lazarus] How to get to Range Error location

Juha Manninen (gmail) juha.manninen62 at gmail.com
Sat Oct 2 09:13:22 CEST 2010

  Please, someone could start a wiki page for starters?
Some kind of tutorial for a start... with let´s say a 
create/edit/delete/browse in a db table, a login form, a report (builded 
in pdf)... I don´t know.
I guess understanding this is enaught to keep going...
Also server setup should be there.
May be this is allready there... but an introduction page will be grait!
I have a lot of experience writing applications in delphi and something 
with Lazarus and FPC for desktop, but in my case I want to learn what 
Michael is doing, web applications with fcl-web + extjs.
Somebody told that will try to see if this works with IIS... does it?



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