[Lazarus] LazWebData package

ABorka fpc-devel at aborka.com
Sun Oct 3 23:55:03 CEST 2010

On 10/3/2010 14:31, Leonardo M. Ramé wrote:
> On 2010-10-03 14:23:41 -0700, ABorka wrote:
>> On 10/3/2010 14:05, Leonardo M. Ramé wrote:
>>> Hi, I was trying to play with the new demos from
>>> packages/fcl-web/examples and found that them require the package
>>> lazwebdata, where can I find it?.
>> It is in Lazarus, called Lazwebextra
> Uh, ok. Then, I have to change the references to lazwebdata, in the
> examples, to lazwebextra?

No, Lazwebextra is just the name of the package you have to install in 
Lazarus to have the additional components installed.
After installing the package, you can forgot the name lazwebextra you 
will never use it in your code.

Once you've installed the packages weblaz and lazwebextra and Lazarus is 
then recompiled, you can compile those example programs.

BTW, I've already raised this naming confusion issue with the 
developers, hopefully they will standardize the package names with the 
feature names and components. Some different icons for the toolbar 
components would be nice to have also :)

1. Currently we have package named WEBLAZ that provides us with the 
Lazarus FPWEB components.

2. We now have a LAZWEBEXTRA package too, that is also part of the 
Lazarus FPWEB components, this is just in a separate package for now 
until the next Lazarus release, theoretically.

3. We have the FCL-WEB that is part of the FPC's (Free Pascal Compiler) 
FCL (fere component library) that contains all the base and non-design 
time components for web development (fpweb, namely the 
weblaz/lazwebextra packages are based on this)

Confused enough yet? ;)


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