[Lazarus] TThread.WaitFor blocks the main event loop under Linux

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Mon Oct 11 12:46:09 CEST 2010

On 8 October 2010 17:44, Reimar Grabowski wrote:
> Oh sweet irony.
> Emphasis mine. Have a nice day

:-) So true!   My mistake was simply that I applied the "Windowism"
(behaviour of Windows) to other platforms. This is bad practice, but I
guess something that occurs often because my Windows programming
experience (10+ years) is still far more than Linux (4+ years). FPC
makes it so easy to switch between platforms, but I must still keep in
mind that there ARE difference between platforms. A lesson to all! :)

  - Graeme -

fpGUI - a cross-platform Free Pascal GUI toolkit

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