[Lazarus] TThread.WaitFor blocks the main event loop under Linux
Michael Van Canneyt
michael at freepascal.org
Tue Oct 12 11:43:43 CEST 2010
On Tue, 12 Oct 2010, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:
> On 12 October 2010 10:51, Michael Schnell <mschnell at lumino.de> wrote:
>> So -> OP:
>> does it work decently in Linux ?
> No! No matter where I call MyThread.WaitFor() I get a instand
> deadlock under Linux. I had to reintroduce a FPC only WaitFor method
> in a TTHread descendant, that instead uses the Finised boolean
> variable. A virtual Execute() method is also implemented that uses a
> interface object to initially set Finised to False, and then when that
> interface goes out of scope (when Execute is completed), it
> automatically sets Finished to True. So my reintroduced WaitFor is
> implemented as follows:
> procedure TMyBaseThread.WaitFor;
> begin
> while not FFinished do CheckSynchronize(100);
> end;
> Unfortunately WaitFor is not virtual, so I had to use reintroduce, and
> wrapped in in IFDEF FPC because Delphi doesn't require this.
> I actually think my solution should be the default implementation for
> TThread.WaitFor() in FPC - this will prevent deadlocks under platforms
> other than Windows.
I am all for it, but first explain the following:
WaitFor by itself cannot cause deadlock.
There must be another call as well, I assume Synchronize(), in the thread
that you are waiting on. Is that correct ?
Because, if it is so, then you are simply programming wrong. Your coding
style causes deadlock.
Thread 1 (main thread) says: I'll wait for thread 2;
Thread 2 says: I'll wait for thread 1 (implicitly, in sycnhronize)
Typical deadlock situation.
So, your logic contains a flaw, *IF* we take into account the current
specs of WaitFor() and Synchronize().
So what you propose is a change in specs, namely: WaitFor() is blocking
*except* in the main thread, where synchronize calls are still executed.
Main reason for this change is to avoid potential deadlocks.
Is this correct ?
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