[Lazarus] tooltip debugger shows incorrect data

Frank Church vfclists at gmail.com
Wed Oct 13 16:12:47 CEST 2010

2010/10/13 Graeme Geldenhuys <graemeg.lists at gmail.com>

> On 13 October 2010 12:57, Vincent Snijders wrote:
> >
> > But in fact they really don't work in complex cases as indexed string
> > expression evaluation.
> Huh?  Are you saying that rather simple code example is actually "complex"?
> > You can not trust a debugger. You can trust output to the console
> instead.
> Just in your world (or is that FPC and Lazarus's world) that it true.
> Everybody else in every other programming language uses the debugger
> output as correct - for debugging purposes none the less.
> I guess yet another example of why a native Object Pascal based
> debugger is _required_ for FPC and Lazarus.
> I attached a Kylix 3 screenshot for your viewing pleasure. Just to
> show that some debuggers can actually show the correct debug values
> with that "complex" code example of mine. Sometimes I wonder if moving
> to FPC and Lazarus was actually such a good choice. Lately I struggle
> to silence the laugher from other developers using other languages and
> toolset. :-(
@Graeme: I have to say that sometimes you make pointed criticisms which rub
people the wrong way. I don't even know whether I have a place in the
FreePascal community that entitles me to make such criticisms, and in a way
I may be guilty of what I am accusing you of.

I don't know much about the private and working lives of the developers of
FPC/Lazarus, and how much time they can afford to give the project, unless
perhaps it impacts upon their own paid work, and probably neither do you, so
I wouldn't criticize them in anyway. I am more of a taker than a giver here,
as are a lot of FPC/Lazarus users.

I also don't know the issues which go into what they prioritize so I
wouldn't criticize them on that.

It is clear from your output you are a talented and committed contributor to
the FPC/Lazarus community and perhaps you feel that others do not have the
commitment nor the vision that you do, but I don't think this is the way to
express yourself. There shouldn't be any "you" or "you guys" in Lazarus or
any other volunteer project, nor should they be addressed in a mocking
manner - there should only be "we" or "us".

I posted this article - Observations on FreePascal and Lazarus
my blog a few days ago, but because I haven't started any concrete
on it, nor do I know when I can make time for it in the near future, I
decided not to publicise it, unlike Build
If others come across it because they like the blog that would be good.

A similar issue came up in this thread on the forums -
http://www.lazarus.freepascal.org/index.php/topic,10693.0.html - where I
kind of inserted by observations in a sidewise manner.

Perhaps this drupal.org <http://drupal.org/node/897616> link may be of
interest to you, but as a seasoned open source developer you must be
familiar with the issues it addresses.

As an aside, I know the debugger issue you raised and it can be easily
sidestepped by creating some simple variables and assigning the contents of
the expressions you want so they can show in the debugger - a few judicious
IFDEFs are an easy workaround. Many times I know the issue will hit and I am
often too lazy to do it upfront (hint, hint), even though I know it will
save me sometime in the edit,compile,debug cycle. Much easier than charged

You should also realize that Lazarus does not have a great deal of
commercial support as a lot of Delphi using companies are quite happy with
it, even Delphi 7, and are not ready or interested to focus on the Linux
space, unlike Ruby, Python, Scala and the other new fangled kids on the

As I have been composing this reply, about 12 new replies have been made to
this thread and I don't know how relevant it still is - here it is anyway. I
am of to read them now.

> --
> Regards,
>   - Graeme -
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Frank Church

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