[Lazarus] Lazarus Manager
antispammoni at gmail.com
Fri Oct 15 12:23:19 CEST 2010
2010/10/14 Joshua Lim <joshua__lim at hotmail.com>:
> Hi Kjow, the attachment got filtered, so i'll post the top part here:
> set OLDDIR=%CD%
> set PATHDEST=D:\Develop
> set PATH=%PATH%;%PATHDEST%\fpc\binutils\
> set SVN=Slik-Subversion-1.6.12-win32.msi
> set FPCURL=http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/freepascal/Win32/2.4.0
> set FPCNAME=fpc-2.4.0.i386-win32.exe
> Joshua Lim wrote:
>> Hi Kjow,
>> Thanks for your kind work. As someone with no experience with SVN (i
>> tried turtle SVN on another Laz wiki page w/o success), your batch script
>> appears to be my only solution.
>> So yesterday, I've tried the windows batch script on my XP PC, there were
>> a couple of hiccups like CHOICE not found, but in the end, the script ran
>> till the end. Briefly, the script installed FPC2.4.0, Slik SVN, restarted
>> windows, I ran the batch again, it downloaded lots of files (which took more
>> than an hour, so I left the PC running and went to bed). The next day, I
>> saw the following screen. However, D:\Develop\Lazarus\ folder did not
>> exist so the installation failed to complete.
>> The last screen of the batch was:-
>> BEFORE start first time Lazarus, remember to add to the System PATH:
>> D:\Develop\fpc\2.4.0\
>> D:\Develop\fpc\binutils\
>> To start Lazarus run:
>> D:\Develop\Lazarus\startlazarus.exe
>> Nothing else to do. Exit.
>> Press any key to continue . . .
>> I tried again, press D, and the folders at the end of the installation:
>> D:\Develop\fpc\binutils\files here.....
>> D:\Develop\fpc\2.4.0_org\files here....
>> D:\Develop\tools\svn_sources\empty here...
>> D:\Develop\tools\tools\empty here...
>> I also used the following:
>> REM svn co http://svn.freepascal.org/svn/fpc/tags/release_2_4_0 fpc
>> svn co http://svn.freepascal.org/svn/fpc/trunk fpc
>> There's an FI.done file with OK written.
>> Just a note for other XP users, XP didn't have choice.exe, so I had to
>> copy that from my Windows 2003 Server windows folder. Before that, I spent
>> about half an hour Googling for choice.exe, apparently many of those on the
>> Internet are of different version and don't work.
>> I've attached the script zipped for your further reference. I'll be
>> deleting all the folders, try again and report the status.
>> Rgds,
>> Joshua
Thank you too!
There something strange in paths... in my script I setted
"C:\Develop", not "D:\Develop", do you have edited it?
Teorically, there aren't differences, I tried to make it more
indipendent as possible, but I tested it only with "C:\"
Other thing:
When is requested to install FPC, I write as console output that FPC
must be installed on: "%PATHDEST%\fpc\2.4.0" do you do this?
About CHOICE, I just read that something changed with Vista/7 from
XP... there could be a problem if it's not possible to use the Vista/7
version in XP... I use the scripts on Win7.
However, I'm starting to develop the application... it may take some
time (ever less time), but I'm realizing that also I need it.
PS FI.done tells the script that First Installation is Done and it
must execute uptading routines only. Before the first reset, in the
installation process, the script will create a FS.done file that
indicates that First Step is Done and it must execute the
"after-first-reboot" routines.
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