[Lazarus] WebData

Leonardo M. Ramé l.rame at griensu.com
Fri Oct 15 14:40:23 CEST 2010

On 2010-10-15 14:24:48 +0200, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
> >After removing the TSqlQuery and TSQLTransaction components from my app,
> >a new question came to my mind, in the case of complex inserts/updates
> >that involves more than one database table, is it possible to use
> >transactions?.
> Hm. Not if you use the TSQLDBWebDataProvider. To do that, you would
> have to use TSQLSuery and a regular TWebDataProvider, and hook into
> the Before/after post events of the TSQLQuery.
> But I'm certainly open for suggestions for improvements.
> Michael.

Well, It's not an issue at all, I could create a stored procedure in
charge of receiveing the params from the dataprovider, then adapt them to 
their respective tables. It's not an issue because I usually work with
Firebird and PostgreSql, and they have stored procedures.

I ask this because I'm thinking of adding a new layer of abstraction by
letting the TFPWebProviderDataModule load a configuration from, say, an
XML file with the list of Providers and its Select, Insert, Update, and
Delete statements, like this:

<Module name="ClientesProvider">
  <Provider name="all-customers">
    <Select>select * from customers</Select>
  <Provider name="one-customer">
      select * from customers where IdCustomer=:IdCustomer
      insert into customers(Name, Age) 
      values(:Name, :Age)
      update customers set Name=:Name, Age=:Age
      where IdCustomer=:IdCustomer
      delete from customers where IdCustomer=:IdCustomer

With this data, the cgi/fcgi app could dynamically create the
TPWebProviderDataModule and everything else.

What do you think about this?

Leonardo M. Ramé

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