[Lazarus] Lazarus Manager

shoKwave shokwave at gmx.net
Fri Oct 15 15:48:06 CEST 2010


I just looked over your scripts and have some remarks/questions.


 >>echo "Please, enter your account user:"
 >>read NAME
There is a variable called $USER. Why not use this?

 >>sudo apt-get install -y cvs
What is this package for? I don't have this installed on my ubuntu and 
you don't use it in your script.

 >>sudo apt-get install -y alien
 >>cd /home/$NAME/fpc_tools/fpc_setup
 >>wget -c 
 >>sudo alien -i -c /home/$NAME/fpc_tools/fpc_setup/fpc-2.4.0-1.i386.rpm
I don't see a reason for installing an application, downloading a 
package and converting them, just to get one binary. Binaries for 
bootstrap can be downloaded from 
ftp://ftp.freepascal.org/pub/fpc/dist/2.4.0/bootstrap/. Or is there 
another reason?

 >>svn co http://svn.freepascal.org/svn/fpc/trunk fpc
 >>cd /home/$NAME/fpc_tools/fpc/
 >>svn up
 >>cd /home/$NAME/
 >>svn co http://svn.freepascal.org/svn/lazarus/trunk lazarus
 >>cd /home/$NAME/lazarus/
 >>svn up
Why doing an update after a checkout?


 >>wget -c %FPCURL%/%FPCNAME% 
 >>echo "Copy binutils"
 >>copy %PATHDEST%\fpc\2.4.0_org\bin\i386-win32\ar.exe 
 >>copy %PATHDEST%\fpc\2.4.0_org\bin\i386-win32\as.exe 
Binaries for bootstrap can be downloaded from 
ftp://ftp.freepascal.org/pub/fpc/dist/2.4.0/bootstrap/ and binutils can 
be downloaded from 

 >>set PATHDEST=C:\Develop
It would be more flexible to use 2 variables e.g. "PATHDEST=\Develop" 

 >>set PATH=%OLDPATH%;%PATHDEST%\fpc\2.4.0_org\bin\i386-win32\
The PATH can be set with "set 
PATH=%PATH%;%PATHDEST%\fpc\2.4.0_org\bin\i386-win32\". There is no need 
for an additional variable.

This were just some things I don't understand why you did it this way. 
Also I'm very low on bandwidth, so I'm looking what's needed to download.

Hope it helps you.


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